How can we be encouraged to stay faithful in ministry’s uncertainties?
Date: 4 February 2024, 9.30 am Speaker: Rev Benjamin Tsao Sermon Text: Haggai 2:20-23 CLICK HERE to join in our...
How can we be encouraged to stay faithful in ministry’s uncertainties?
Trellis & Vine #3 – People
Proclamation of the Word
Why is the Church Important?
New Year priorities - worship, work and witness
Jesus, the Bread of Life
Mary: She Received Him
Disability and the Gospel
Bringing God’s Faithfulness to a Doubting World
To Be Continued…
How to be a Christian in a Crisis
The Risen we Proclaim
Abide in Christ
Freedom in Christ
Living for Jesus
Proclaiming before Persecuting Powers
Kingdom Perspectives
Letting Go
Teaching, Tears and Travails
In service of a Greater Name