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Hermon@Henderson Update

You will be aware that our property at Henderson was acquired through a company we set up called the Dew of Hermon (DOH). In compliance with URA’s regulation, DOH will be managing a business that is permitted in their list of approved trades. URA also allows for the limited and non-exclusive use of the non-production areas for religious use during hours when there is no production, like Saturdays and Sundays, as well as limited evenings on weekdays. Over the past several months, we were involved in the application for permits in these two specific areas, i.e. for Change of Use (COU) and Limited and non-exclusive religious use. Under URA guidelines, the Limited and non-exclusive religious use has to be preceded by the COU. I am refreshing your memory of this for the purpose of introducing an entity that DOH will be working closely with, called NARDIS.

In June this year, DOH received the COU permit from URA. This COU relates to the approved use of the premises for media business. The core activities include video production and live streaming. URA was informed through the application that the media business would be managed in collaboration with NARDIS. Since this is the first time we are writing about this company, the following information is provided for your understanding.

Background on Nardis

When our renovation at Henderson was nearing completion, the Project Execution Team (PET) discussed how we should get the media business off the ground. Various suggestions were put up, including hiring a general manager with full-time staff. In the end, it was felt that a quicker way would be to collaborate with an existing media business. Some team members visited a couple of media companies for information. After deliberations, a final decision was made for one of us to approach the consultant responsible for installing the video and audio system on our premises. The consultant was very helpful and introduced us to his former colleague at the National Arts Council. DOH had a meeting with both of them in early January. As a result of the meeting, they set up NARDIS LLP (LLP stands for Limited Liability Partnership) and participated with us in our COU application with relevant input on our media facilities, complete with technical specifications of the various equipment and other details. Both owners of NARDIS share very similar values with us. Their intention in this collaboration is to work with us in operating the business such that we conform to URA’s requirements. They will do this by organising events for arts groups as well as events involving children or adults with special needs. These events include rehearsals for live streaming and video production.

At this time of writing, NARDIS has already held at least four events on the premises. DOH had also informed URA that we would be making a few video productions, one of which involves a documentary about our brother Wee Kok. The aim of the documentary is to highlight the high degree of independence that our brother has, despite his visual disability. It is hoped that this documentary will encourage and inspire its viewers. For this reason, we hope to share the video with as many people out there as possible. The good news is that this production was completed two weeks ago and we plan to share it with all of you soon.

Besides running the media business, DOH and NARDIS seek to use Henderson as a means to reach out to and help people with special needs, the underprivileged and other community projects. Last week, an agreement on the terms of the collaboration was signed between DOH and NARDIS. The terms of the agreement were set against the not-for-profit basis adopted by NARDIS.

As at 29 August, we are waiting for URA to confirm a date for their visit to the premises. This request for a visit came from URA following our application for Limited and non-exclusive religious use, right after the approval for COU was received. We look forward to their visit and hope to actively engage and exchange useful information with them in regard to our business operations and the use of the premises for religious purposes. Again, we are thankful to each and every one of you for your support, and unified and unwavering trust in the Lord, our Ebenezer. May He be glorified above all else, always!

Post Note: URA had since visited our premises this week on 31 Aug and was treated to a site tour of our media facilities as well as given a presentation on our media business. They also viewed the video on Wee Kok. The visit ended well and we can expect to receive a positive response from URA soon.

- Eld Peter Seah

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