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Dew of Hermon

Blessed New Year to all Hermonites. This year, everything is back to normal, to pre-COVID-19 status. What a difference 12 months makes. As you may recall, this time last year, we were still anxious as Singapore continued to be in the midst of Safe Management Measures for congregational gatherings, and also, Hermon had not received the authority’s approval for full religious use at Henderson. Our first service at Henderson was with just 50 Hermonites who made up the worship team, with the rest of us tuning in online.

Dew is God-given…

One year on, we can give thanks to God, for He has given us Henderson and enabled us to transit fully from CCKBC to Henderson with all the necessary approvals. In our 35 years since formal registration as a church, we can now finally call a place our home. A place, God willing, we will be able to minister out of for many years, since it is not leasehold. This Sunday, it feels like we have truly transited. Thanks be to God for His gracious gift to Hermon. Let us always then be mindful that we have to be good stewards of Henderson.

Dew is fresh every morning…

Some say that a person at 35 is at his or her prime. The vigour of youth is honed by the maturity of life experiences. Wise enough to know and appreciate the nuances of things, yet open and energetic enough to explore new ideas. As a faith community, can this be said of Hermon as well? That God is refreshing Hermon for our fourth lap as disciples of Christ Jesus? I submit He is doing so in the following areas:

Leadership Renewal – There is a passing of the baton from the older leaders to the new. Many of those who were instrumental during our BBHQ and CCKBC days are now playing a more supportive role. Over the past four years, the Lord has enabled us under the Leadership Development Ministry to equip a younger group of potential leaders who will begin to take on formal leadership in the coming years. Let us be open to the fresh ideas that our younger leaders will bring. And as they begin to chart the direction for Hermon, may we be their intentional cheerleaders, explicitly supportive so that they have a conducive environment in which to flourish.

Children’s Ministry – The Lord has given us many young ones. Our young couples have been blessed and the Creche in Henderson is overflowing. That is a good sign for the future as it means the church will continue to be rejuvenated. With these young ones, we now have second- and third-generation Hermonites. Hermon is growing to be a family church that is multi-generational. Though our Youth Ministry numbers are small now, they will not be in 10 years’ time. As it takes a village to raise a child, we need to look at ourselves and ask, are we prepared to be the village? It means we must be prepared to walk and journey alongside our young families. Can we determine to be a sounding board for these young families as they grapple with parenting issues? Can we be open to help out in in playdates so that these young parents can socialise and be encouraged that they are not alone in this journey? Can we position ourselves each Sunday at waist level to greet and interact with our young ones so that they experience relationships with an extended family?

Dew covers every blade of grass….

We may think we are at a disadvantage since our unit sits in the middle of an industrial estate. But we are actually surrounded by HDB estates, most notable of which is the government’s 2019 announcement of the Greater Southern Waterfront Development. When we travel to the other end of Henderson Road, it will lead us to the heart of the upcoming Southern Waterfront Development. At the current Keppel Club site, it has been announced that 6000 new HDB flats and 3000 private property units are slated to be built by 2040. In the 1970s, Hermon was a church plant to Telok Blangah, a new HDB estate at that time. In 1996, Hermon went to CCKBC, which was a new town then, as well. We tried unsuccessfully to bid for a religious site in CCK Ave 1 in 2019, also with the view of reaching out to Tengah, which is a new town currently being built. Isn’t it marvellous that God has led us to Henderson and given us a new town that will be built right at our doorstep? As morning dew covers every blade of grass, may God be pleased to use us as His channel of grace to everyone at the other end of Henderson Road.

Dew of Hermon is what God has called us to be…

At level 1 of Blk 219, the directory already lists ‘Dew of Hermon’. Soon, outside our main door, we will also have a sign that reads ‘Dew of Hermon’. Each time we enter #09-03, may we be reminded that God wants v1 to be evident in our community: “1Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” For when that happens, God can use us to be a blessing to others, as v3 indicates: “3 It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion! For there the Lord has commanded the blessing, life forevermore.”


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